yogurt packaging marche publics

marché publics

Marché Publics in Montreal comprises a network of public markets across the island of Montreal offering fresh local produce, regional specialties, and international finds. From the bustling Jean-Talon market in Little Italy to the historic Lachine market, these venues provide a vibrant community atmosphere where generations of merchants and customers converge. Additionally, neighborhood and solidarity markets ensure access to fresh, affordable goods in diverse areas.

In response to shifting consumer preferences towards sustainability and community support, Montreal’s Public Markets (MPM) launched a new initiative to introduce branded packaged goods.

fruit water color mark making

design thinking

I envisioned yogurt as the ideal product to procure from local markets, offering access to fresh, diverse options while supporting local producers and promoting healthier dietary choices in line with community and environmental well-being. Thus, I developed a line of dairy-free yogurt tailored to health-conscious consumers, prioritizing probiotics for immune health and gut improvement.

design making

To reflect the artisanal essence of locally sourced products found at these markets, as an end result I utilized vibrant watercolor hues and organic shapes in the design. The mark-making technique not only symbolizes the craftsmanship involved in harvesting and growing the produce but also draws a correlation to Montreal’s renowned art scene. Each yogurt variant is paired with a specific fruit flavor, conveyed through expressive mark-making techniques.

strawberry yogurt
green apple yogurt
blueberry yogurt
strawberry yogurt fruits
blueberry yogurt fruits
green apple yogurt fruits
yogurt flavors fruits
yogurt flavors box design