stm hard cover

stm - art in detail

For this creative project, I was to design a cultural brochure, spotlighting the captivating public art adorning Montreal's metro stations over the past 56 years. Armed with resources from the STM website and my own research, my aim was to craft layouts that are informative, conceptual, aesthetic, and descriptive, resembling an art catalog. I carefully curated the artwork and photography, arranging them in harmony with negative space and text to convey the depth and beauty of this cultural journey.

stm open spread hard cover book design

design making

In this project, I crafted layouts centered around the concept of zooming into the intricate details of each artwork, hence the title of the book being "Art in Detail". Each detail frame was uniquely colored to reflect the metro line where the artwork resides.

book publication design
book publication design
book publication design
book publication spread design